Sunday’s We Bake Bread with Christine from Maid In The Shade in San Jose CA

On Sunday's We Keep Calm and Eat Bread with Christine from @maidintheshade83 who is based in San Jose California and is navigating 2020 with sourdough and food. Christine is also a Disney/Star Wars/Gaming/Game of Thrones nerd.

How did your love for baking start?

I’ve been baking for years because for much of my life I was gluten intolerant. I had to make my own food especially since gluten free food wasn’t widely available at the time. After the birth of my son, my body changed and I didn’t need to be GF anymore. As for sourdough, I’d always wanted to try but it wasn’t until quarantine when I had the time to devote to it.

What emotions provoke you when you bake?

I feel tremendous amounts of love when I bake. It makes me feel like I’m doing something good for my family and friends. Always happy.

What are your favorite things to bake?

I love baking bread, obviously, but cookies are a close second. Oh, focaccia is a favorite too.

What’s been inspiring you lately?

I see so many people in the bread community making challenging things and that’s what keeps me inspired. Also, if it’s ok to say, the US election has inspired me greatly. Feeling good about that!

What does bread symbolize for you?

Family. Plain and simple.

What is the most challenging part of baking bread?

Eating it all! No I’m all seriousness, keeping up with my obsession while working a full time job and having a family. Baking bread takes time.

What’s the most important thing to you when baking?

The most important thing to me when baking would have to be the art. I love creating stencils that bring in different fandoms and I love sharing those even more. Bread and art are universal.

What are some things you’ve learned about bread?

Science. I’ve learned so much by having to tweak my baking to the weather and seasons. It’s given me a newfound passion for learning how food is made and what each ingredient does. It’s fascinating.

How do you like to eat your bread?

Any way! But on day one, fresh and warm with cold butter or oil/balsamic/herbs. After that, I make avo or ricotta toasts for breakfast, or cut up into croutons for a Caesar salad. Served with cheese on a charcuterie plate is also great!

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