Sarah JL Mapes Sarah JL Mapes

Sunday’s We Bake Bread with Melanie in Bethlehem, PA

Hi I am Melanie. I have a small business (Made by Lino / Lit Coffee Roastery & Bakeshop) and I am someone's mom, which I'm still trying to wrap my head around! 

How did your love for baking start?

I was trying to find my purpose in the world and tried out a few hobbies until one stuck. Baking is the one that was the most therapeutic. People seem to always be incredibly intimidated by baking but, idk, maybe that general intimidation is what intrigued me to give it a try. 

What emotions provoke you when you bake?

I feel calm, playful, excited and comforted 

What are your favorite things to bake?

I love making pies, cookies and sourdough croissants... OH and Sourdough Brioche Sticky Buns.

What’s been inspiring you lately? 

To be honest, not a whole lot. Savory food has been a really fun space. That's inspiring me to play with food in a different way.

What does bread symbolize for you?

Bread is life lol. To me, is symbolizes connection, unity, togetherness.

What is the most challenging part of baking bread?

When it comes to working with wild yeast, you get a different result every time ... unless you're extra and take your air's temperature and your flour's temp... I am not about that life. Truly Old World over here. But, you're basically always taking a risk. When you get to know your Sourdough Mother, you then understand the needs of the temps and the rising times. It's a whole thing. But, I'd say calculating how much time your dough needs to rise perfectly. 

 What’s the most important thing when baking bread? 

Patience is the most important thing.

What are some things you’ve learned about bread?

All bread is NOT created equal. Different types of flours create different results, etc. Quality is EVERYTHING if you want to do it right.

How do you like to eat your bread?

Toasty with Cultured Butter, Valley Milkhouse Clover Cheese with a fresh tomato salad and a Balsamic Drizz., on it's own, PB & J toasted. Grilled Cheese with Sauerkraut or Clubhouse Kimchi. 

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