Sunday’s We Bake Bread with Paulina from outside of Boston

Paulina from No Knead To Worry is a home baker entranced by flour, water & salt. Mostly bread (& pasta…occasionally something sweet)

Can you introduce yourself and where are you located. 

My name is Paulina and I live just outside of Boston, Massachusetts. Bread baking is my side passion and hobby, but during the week I work at a non-profit where I do environmental advocacy. 

How did your love for baking start? 

When I was in graduate school I started baking bread as a way to, well... procrastinate (or should I say procrastibake). I focused on bread because of my love for all-things-savory, and because the ingredients are super cheap!! Kneading dough calmed me down, reduced stress and anxiety. It made me feel like I was in control of something very concrete. 

What emotions provoke you when you bake?  

When I bake and work with dough, I feel as if I have control over something. In these most turbulent times, being able to use my hands and create something unique, nourishing and delicious has been a spark of joy. 

What are your favorite things to bake? 

At this point I think sourdough based breads are my favorite thing to bake. About two years ago a coworker of mine gave me some of his sourdough starter, which kickstarted my journey in the sourdough world. Before that moment, I didn't fully know or understand what sourdough was. Being able to naturally leaven dough using wild yeasts has been a game changer. I am absolutely fascinated by the science behind it, and the ancient history of sourdough. Plus, each loaf is totally, 100% unique. It's fun to play around with fillings, too! For me, any kind of cheese addition to the dough is ideal. 

What’s been inspiring you lately?

Seeing the Instragam community come together recently around Bakers Against Racism, and supporting each other during these challenging times has been really inspiring. I've "met" so many amazing people in the bread baking community who I would now consider friends. Knowing we're all in this together and we're all baking our way through it is inspiring. 

Advice for someone who would like to get into bread baking? 

Start with active dry or instant yeast! You can buy these in the grocery store. There are lots of excellent beginner recipes out there to follow. The best "no knead" rustic loaf I've seen is probably the recipe from Pinch of Yum

What does bread symbolize to you? 

The more I learn about bread the more I love it. To me, it symbolizes a truly global, unifying food. It has nourished millions of people for countless generations in every culture and society around the world. The ancient practice of baking bread has brought people together around shared meals everywhere, and I love knowing that it's something so many people can relate to.

What is the most challenging part of baking bread? 

Sometimes you don't get the results you're looking for. This is particularly true of sourdough, which often depends a lot on how humid the air is, what the temperature is, and how strong your starter is (among many other things!!). So on the one hand, I feel like having my hands on dough gives me control over something, but the outcome is not always what you expect. But I suppose that's just life in a nutshell! 

What’s the most important thing to you when baking? 

To enjoy the process, continue learning as I go, and to be able to share the final results with friends, family, etc. 

What are some things you’ve learned about bread? 

Bread is a miracle to me, because all it takes (at the most basic level) is flour, water and salt. Those three ingredients come together to create beautiful, nourishing, delicious food. I've learned along the way that bread reacts to the environment around it just like other living creatures. It's a constantly fascinating process and I learn something new every single time I bake. The learning will never end! 

How do you like to eat your bread? 

Oh! So many ways! Warm out of the oven with butter and a little sea salt sprinkled on; toasted for many days after it's been baked; sliced up and made into a grilled cheese; dipped in soups, curries, or stews; shared with friends and family; and so much more :) 


Sunday’s We Bake Bread with Sarah who lives in Chicago


Baking Bread on Sunday’s with Andra from Romania